Categories: +Animaislife

Baby Elephant Collapses In Middle Of The Road, Herd Immediately Gathers To Help

There is no doubt that animals can be loving creatures.


Pet owners know exactly how dogs, cats, and other animals can brighten up the day with their silliness, love, and affection.

In the Kruger National Park in South Africa, a herd of elephants was seen gathering to help their little fellow. This shows that their strong bond is touching beyond our beliefs.


People were watching the animals from their vehicles when a little elephant suddenly stumbled on the ground. The calf fell on its knees before lying flat on the road, where it remained unconscious.


One of the family members then approached the baby elephant and tried to help it get up with her trunk and foot.

And she is not the only elephant that was concerned. When the rest of the herd noticed what was going on, they immediately came back and tried to help.


But the baby elephant stayed on the ground.

Elephants are very tight-knit when it comes to families. According to Elephants Forever: “The basic unit of the herd is the immediate family. The herd is made up of the oldest and largest matriarch who leads her daughters and their offspring. A family can consist of anywhere between 2 and 50 elephants. Occasionally, other non-related females may be included in a herd, but this is rare.”


The site added: “Family members show loyalty, sympathy and an extreme sense of cooperation with one another. This is particularly evident when the herd needs to defend itself against attackers or rival herds, during the birth of a calf, in childcare, and in major decisions that need to be made on the herd’s behalf.”


The baby elephant finally started to rise and they all walked off together back into the wilderness.

One person said: “This is so touching, I’m literally crying right, elephants are amazing creatures.”


Another wrote: “I love how caring they are for one another, but the other baby one stole my heart when it was trying to help too.”


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