Categories: FamilyHealth

Tiny Baby Who Weighed The Same As 12oz Coke Was Given Only 5 Percent Chance Of Survival

Isabella Evans was born at only 24 weeks and she is Britain’s tiniest baby.


Weighing only 12oz at birth, the little girl was given only a 5 percent chance of survival.

But she keeps on defying all odds! The strong little one is now smiling for her parents Ryan Evans, 26, and Kym Brown, 25, in Bishop’s Cleeve, Gloucs. “She’s our little fighter,” they said.


Isabella weighed the same as a 12oz Coke at birth. Her hands were smaller than 1p coins. At 12oz, the tiny tot was the smallest preemie baby for 20 years.


Because her body was shorter than a pack of baby wipes, doctors placed her in a bubble wrap to keep her cozy and warm.

After two life-saving operations and several scares, she finally left the hospital and is now smiling at home with her loving parents.


Kym said: “Realistically she shouldn’t be here. There were so many times we could have lost her. But she never stops fighting. We love her to bits. She’s perfect.”


At 24 weeks, Kym’s ankles started swelling. She went to a hospital where a scan revealed Isabella had stopped growing at 21 weeks.

Isabella’s heart rate dropped that Kym was rushed in for a cesarean. “It sounds dramatic and scary now but at the time I was quite calm. I didn’t have time for it to sink in,” she said.


“It was worse for Ryan because he could see how fast things were moving and how ill I was getting. He thought he was going to lose us both.”


Speaking about their first skin-to-skin contact, Kym said: “It was love at first sight and the protective maternal instinct kicks in. I stayed with her every night she was in hospital.

“She couldn’t feed or breathe at first so she had tubes for that.


“A few times she knocked out her breathing tube and the nurses had to grab her off me and fit another as quick as they could.”


The couple then learned that their baby girl had a hole in her bowel. “We prepared ourselves for the worst so when we got the call to say the op had gone well I just said, ‘OK’. I was in shock.

“The way I was coping was to expect the worst. When the good news arrived I couldn’t take it in.”


After three months, Isabella needed a second bowel surgery. Once again, she pulled through! The little girl also needed laser eye surgery at only a few months old.


“She wore her first vest at three months and only then because we think it had shrunk in the wash at the hospital. The vest was smaller than my phone,” Kym added.

Now aged 10 months, Isabella weighs around the same as a newborn. “She’s being weaned off her oxygen support and is expected to make a full recovery,” Ryan said.


“We’ve just had a catch-up with her consultant and he was amazed with her progress.”

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