Categories: Family

Unresponsive Baby Was Born With Just Two Tablespoons Of Blood

Maria Sandars and Christ Morrison heard that there was a priest available for them when their baby girl was born.


Doctors didn’t think she would make it because she was not in a healthy state.

Sandars went to hospital when she stopped noticing her baby, Frankie, move in the womb. She was so worried that something was wrong with the baby and went to ER but doctors told her that the baby was just being “lazy” in the womb.
Sandars was still worried but she went back home. She was pretty sure that there was something wrong with her baby.


As Frankie was still not moving in her womb, Sandars went back to the hospital two days later.


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Even though Frankie was not moving, she had a heartbeat so doctors decided to do an emergency C-section. As Frankie was born, she was lifeless and unresponsive.
Doctors did an emergency treatment to save her but they didn’t expect a lot of hope for her.


In Frankie’s body, there were only two tablespoons of blood and all the other was water. She was filled with more water than other babies. It was 15 percent less than average amound of blood for a baby.

Daily Mail interviewed Sandars, “When I came around I could see people standing around me crying. There was this little eight-pound baby who was so bloated because she had all this water instead of blood inside her.”


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It is common for the babies to pass blood back to mother through the umbilical cord. However, Frankie pass blood at a much more faster rate than normal.
Frankie got blood transfusions twice but doctors didn’t think she would survive.


“She went back at six months for a checkup with her consultant and he was nearly in tears because he couldn’t believe how well she was doing,” the mother said. “They didn’t have much hope for her at all. They didn’t think she would see the day out.”


This miracle baby Frankie survived with the love of God.

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