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This Baby Girl Skipped The Crawling Stage And Started Walking At Six Months

Caters News Agency

Watch the video of this baby girl walking around unsupported.


Video credit: Latest news

A six-month-old baby left her mother in shock after the toddler just got up and started walking unsupported.

Grace and Ryan, both 29, from Colchester, Essex, were left gobsmacked when their daughter Freya Minter, who is now seven months old, suddenly started taking her first steps unaided on March 25 when most babies her age are just starting to crawl.


The mother-of-one now has her hands full making sure her daughter doesn’t go injure herself running around.

On average, babies start walking at one year old but Freya is well ahead of her peers. She may yet be one of the youngest babies to have ever started walking.


“Freya was able to stand up whilst holding on to our fingers for balance, by the time she was four-months-old,” explained Grace. “We could tell she was desperate to walk from then but it wasn’t until she was six-months-old that it actually happened.”


Grace described Freya’s face as “priceless” the moment she started taking her first steps.

“She had the cheekiest grin, Ryan and I couldn’t believe it,” the proud mother said. “At first, I thought it was a fluke, but then when she continued to walk a few steps here and there, I was amazed.”


She continued: “Freya has completely skipped crawling and has walked straight away, but she hasn’t quite mastered how to get around things yet, she tries to go over them.”

However, the parents admit that Freya keeps them on their toes because she is so quick and always want in on any action.


“We brought her a walker but her feet don’t even touch the ground, so we didn’t attempt to use it again, so she has learned all by herself,” Grace explained.

“Freya has never had seated walkers as I read this may delay a baby’s learning as they get used to the support form the seat, so this might be why she is walking already.


“She is our first child so we don’t know any different but we’re so proud of her.”

Based on NHS data, babies usually start to sit up on their own at six months and begin walking with support between 9 to 12 months.


Grace added: “She has always been an active baby and super strong considering she is only 13 pounds. At four-and-a-half-months old, she was able to sit up on her own.

“She is a very determined little lady – at ten-weeks, she rolled from her cot into my bed so we should have seen this coming.


“It was only when I spoke to friends and brought her to baby groups, I realized that she is so advanced.”

Freya’s parents weren’t the only ones who were shocked as friends and family of the couple couldn’t believe it either.


“People have been amazed by her walking at playgroup and they love how her face is either one of sheer determination or a great big smile,” she explained.

“Who knows what she’ll do next? Freya is now seven months and we have no doubt that she’ll continue to keep smashing her milestones.”



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