Categories: FamilyHealthlifenews

Bartender Is Treated Differently AFTER Gaining Weight And Surpassing Her Eating Disorder

A bartender has posted a video that made users emotional, alongside herself.


After gaining weight during the pandemic, the user breaks down in tears while she explains how different she has been treated because of it.

The bartender, Cassidy Lane, had responded to a video on Tik Tok that talks about “pretty privilege”. She was brave enough to come out and say that she has finally gotten help and recovered from her eating disorder, but her life changed after that.


When asking for help at the weight that she was at, people would treat her differently.

Tik Tok

Lane explains that she was in the service industry. She also comments that the way you look influences your bartending services and what you get in return, such as tips or the way that someone is treated. After getting help, she started to post body positivity content and her platform has reached over thousands of followers.


Further into the video, she tells her viewers how different her life is now after gaining weight. She says, “People don’t even look you in the eye anymore. They’re not nice to you, especially men. I would walk up and say, ‘Hey, how’s it going? How are you?’ And I used to get ‘I’m doing really great honey, how are you?'”


It has turned into a complete 360 degrees for her, demonstrating how people treat her. Now, she asks, “Hey, how’s it going? What can I get you?” and gets interrupted in an abrupt manner.

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Tik Tok

On her social media platform, TikTok, she has more than a quarter of a million followers.point 351 |


In her video she adds, “For people saying that doesn’t actually happen, please raise your hand if you would willingly like to live as a fat person.point 133 | And the fact that nobody raises their hand makes the point.point 182 | And it just makes you feel hopeless – am I ever going to be worth more than my looks?”point 262 | 1


The video has reached out to more than 5 million views and has attracted thousands of comments with support from people who feel the same way as the girl. A user commented, “This is real. I gained a lot of weight during the pandemic too and people just treated me differently. It’s a cruel world.”