Categories: life

Utah and Idaho Are Brought On Board By New Legislation Allowing Public Breastfeeding

After a long and arduous battle, it is now legal all across the united states for mothers to breastfeed in public.


Women have been frowned down upon for doing something as natural as allowing their children to be fed when they are hungry, but no longer. Finally, the battle is won and the law is on the side of the mothers.


According to the Idaho Statesman, Idaho had indecent exposure and obscenity laws that people felt breastfeeding mothers should abide by, however, the legislation to protect the rights of a mother had been passed by the House unanimously.


So now, with Utah and Idaho on the same ship, it is legal in all 50 states to breastfeed in public.

In Utah, the bill was met with some resistance, because some believed that the bill might be a ‘free ticket’ for immodesty. The bill had stated that a woman could breast-feed in any public place whether or not her breast was covered during or incidental to the breastfeeding.


This made some politicians like Curt Webb say they weren’t comfortable with the idea that the mother should not have to cover up at all.


Rep. Justin Fawson, sponsor of the bill, prior to the passing of the bill in the remaining states had said that people should not force mothers to go to the restroom just to be able to feed her child.


He said it surprised him that mothers were being told where and where not to breastfeed.

There was only one female member making laws on women’s bodies, Rep Susan Duckworth, who had made the motion to pass the bill.

The bill passed through the state legislature with a vote of 66-5. Now the US is on equal footing with countries like the UK and Australia.



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