Categories: EntertainmentEntertainmentlife

Beautiful Colorful Murals Appear On Roads Only On Rainy Days

Do you hate rainy days? While some people say rainy days are perfect to enjoy a cup of coffee while listening to the drops of rain in a cafe, others hate the fact rainy days since it causes many inconveniences including having to carry around an umbrella, slippery floors, and more.


But what if the gloomy road transforms into a river bursting with colorful fish on rainy days?

A group of designers from South Korea teamed up with Pantone to bring life to the gloomy, rainy streets of Seoul by creating huge street paintings that only appear when it rains.


They started a project called “Project Monsoon” and it was created for the annual monsoon season when it rains continuously, sometimes for as long as 3 weeks. The artists  used special hydrochromatic paint, which stays invisible until it gets wet.

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The artists wrote about their project saying, “Inspired by South Korea’s culture of emphasizing the importance of the flow of rivers, the paintings utilize Korea’s topographical features that create a flow and puddle of rainwater in every street to fill the streets with color and life.point 368 |


” And because of this project the gloomy rainy days are no longer dull and depressing.point 73 | 1

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Thanks to this clever idea, no one need ever get depressed when it rains ever again.point 77 | Don’t you think this should be done everywhere in the world? I think it should be implemented in many parts of the world to help the world become a brighter place even during rainy days!point 235 | 1



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