Categories: life

Before-and-After Photo of A Former Meth-Addict Couple Goes Viral

The social media world is flooding with new photo trends, and each of them has found a way or another to create social awareness.


And one such photo is of a former meth addict couple, named Brent Walker, 30, and his wife Ashley, 32.

The Tennessean couple posted their before-and-recovery photo of their long fighting addiction with meth and that has left the internet in awe.


Back in 2016, the couple decided to kick their habits, and since then, they have been rapidly recovering. Recently, the couple shared one of their old photos during which they were heavily addicted to meth. The couple looked dazed and gaunt in the photo which was taken back in November 2016.


And they were hardly recognizable in their recent photos which they shared on Jul 2019. There is a hell and heaven difference between the two pictures which were taken in the gap of almost three years.


Their photo went viral over the internet soon after they uploaded it and since then, their inboxes and notifications panels are flooded with praised and congratulations for the way they managed to overcome their addiction and live a clean life.


The photo of the couple have been shared for more than 1,40,000 times by now, and hundreds of self-acclaimed addicts have reached out to them hailing them as an inspiration for quitting drugs.


Brent was quoted saying that after he uploaded the picture over the internet, numerous individuals have texted him in his personal chat that their photo inspired them and now they are looking forward to getting admitted in rehab and kick the addiction.


The couple was further quoted saying that they are utterly happy knowing that they have been able to inspire so many people and even encouraging some to quit addictions.


In their 20’s, Ashley and Brent started injecting themselves with methamphetamine. Late in 2012, Brent sold drugs to Ashley. Brent was even once caught selling and spent two years in prison. In 2016, the couple decided to quit their habits, and in 2017, they got hitched.


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