Categories: Healthlife

Benefits of Eating 15 Almonds Every Day

Whenever we chose to go for a healthy diet, the first thing that we have to change is our snacking habits.


Snacking can be as harmful as it can be healthy, depending on what we chose to eat.

If you go to a dietitian, they will suggest you go for nuts for your snacking needs. And when it comes to nuts, the best ones are almonds. Almonds are packed with nutrition as they have fibers, monounsaturated fats, protein, and Vitamin E, R, D, A


Depending on that, what is the amount of almonds you should have in one day? A clinical study says that the human body can consume about 10 grams of almonds each day.


Here are a few benefits that eating 15 almonds each day your body will have.

1. Antioxidant supply


Antioxidants work to protect our body from radicals which can result in in the development of oxidative stress. This kind of stress can cause aging, cancer, and some other diseases too.


2. Diabetes-friendly food


Almonds are rich in magnesium that helps in controlling the blood sugar level which is among 300 processes in the body magnesium can help with. Also, it has fiber, protein, and vitamins which are great for a diabetic person.


3. Protects cell membrane against damage with Vitamin E


Vitamin E is a great antioxidant that is found in almonds in good quantity. This protects cells from building up oxidative stress in the cell membrane.


4. Helps in treating hypertension.


Hypertension can lead to strokes, heart attacks, and kidney failure. Almonds have a rich content of magnesium and give several benefits to the body, including decreasing hypertension.


You can have 15 or less than 15 almonds a day if you like but the benefits will only come out if you have enough of it.

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