Categories: Familylife

Best Friends Of 80 Years Moved Into The Same Home For The Aged

Two best friends of 80 years have made the headlines after moving into the same home for the aged and realizing all of their friendship goals.


89-year-old Kathleen Saville and Olive Woodward have been best friends ever since they met while visiting primary school back in the 1930s.


For years, the two girls had been living just steps away from each other due to their families being located in the same area in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England.


Eventually, as the teens grew up into young ladies, they both got married to the men that lived in the same area, meaning that they got to be around each other for decades while starting their own families.


In 1989, Kathleen has moved into a care home in Mansfield after losing her husband. 15 years later, Olive has also lost her husband and joined her best friend in the same care home.


“We are 89 but we look 63. We have been good friends and never fallen out. We are still good looking. We have never argued over anything. She’s a good friend,” Kathleen said in an interview with Mansfield Telephone Exchange.

“We don’t cause any trouble in the home, but we sometimes have to knock the staff into shape. I just raced one of the managers down the hallway for a laugh.


“I’m so glad Olive is here now, we’re like giggling school girls and we still put on our
lippy and get dressed up. We always say to each other ‘if you’ve got it, flaunt it.’”


As the pair added, they are now not only the oldest best friends they know but also the oldest residents at the Berry Hill Park home for the aged.


“She is jolly and a good laugh and we don’t argue. We are still capable of looking after ourselves and each other. We lived around the corner from each other all our lives so living down the hall seemed an obvious thing to do,” Olive added.


“I feel very lucky to have my best friend down the hall. We’ve built many memories together and we’re making more every day.”

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