Categories: life

A Woman Got the Best Marriage Proposal Ever After An Epic Prank

No proposal can be as beautiful as this man’s marriage proposal to her girlfriend after a prank.


Watch the adorable video here:

[rumble video_id=v1a4jh domain_id=u7nb2]

Every girl dreams of having the best proposal story in her life and they expect it to be the best surprise they will ever get. It is amazing to know that you have a person with whom you are ready to spend the rest of your life.


Some girls like private proposals while others want a grand public proposal. The guys have also become really creative in order to give their girl the best type of proposal ever.

The guys try their best to be extremely romantic with their girlfriends in order to make them happy.


Marriage is the most important phase in every person’s life and everyone wants it to be done in the most perfect ways. It also becomes a difficult situation for the guys when they aren’t able to understand if their lady will like their proposal or not.


There are a lot of guys who play prank before proposing their girlfriends and most of the times the idea works out really well.

Recently a man who is from the Sherriff department pulled a prank over his girlfriend by asking one of his colleagues to pull over his girlfriend as suspected DUI.


After that, he suddenly proposed her and they got the best moment of their life in such a special way. Deputy Bowes proposed his girlfriend in the most epic way.


Other officers wrote a status saying that we are really happy for our brother who involved us in the most important moment of his life and we wish both of them best of everything together.

It was indeed a wonderful surprise for the girl as she got super happy and excited after getting the proposed in the most romantic way ever. Congratulations and all the best to the couple for their life together.


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