President Joe Biden recently released a video message to the graduating class of 2021, where he called out systemic racism as being one of the country’s biggest crises of all time.
President Biden mentioned to the graduating class in the video how they were graduating at a very critical point in time know as the ‘inflection point’ in the time of history while calling out challenges that might come their way.
In regards to that, the current commander in chief mentioned how systemic racism is something that the US has always struggled with in the past and continues to do so today too. Moreover, he also went on to add how strongly he felt that Americans were not racist but the loopholes lied in the present system.
The latest remarks were mentioned under Biden’s POTUS address on Twitter, where he also explained how he happened to witness it, right after he graduated too.
“At my time, I witnessed the inflection point, which was the Vietnam War.
It split the country into two, with great fights taking place in the name of civil rights, environmental reasons, and women’s rights too,” he added.Then, Biden went on to call the graduation class as witnessing another inflection point in history whereby they must put the pandemic behind them and assist the country in rebuilding the economy, rooting out the system’s racism, and also tackling issues relating to climate change as well.
“And because of all of you, and your entire generation, I have never been more optimistic about the future ahead of us than I am today,” he exclaimed.
This is certainly not the first time that the president has gone about calling the current moment an inflection point. Moreover, some critics claim that it has become a regular theme for him over the past few months.
In the end, Biden told the class that they would see changes taking place in the next 10 years that weren’t seen in the past 50 years. He also added how it would now be up to them to translate the change into a moment of great prosperity and happiness for themselves as well as for their nation.