Categories: Animals/Petslife

Cute Malamute Can’t Handle Being Denied Pizza

Have you lived with a dog? Yes, living with the dog is great, you will never be alone and lonely and they will always be around to make you laugh when you are upset or the world does not feel good.


They will always make things right for you even when you don’t want them to do it. Dogs are adorable, loving, and hungry all the time.


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What? Did you just read hungry? Well, yes, dogs are always hungry and no matter what you feed them and how great it is for them, they will always want a bite or two from your plate and at times, they may even want your entire meal.


In this video here, Loki is a big dog and his owner had already fed him his meal but it looks like Loki is not satisfied because he has his eyes on something else.


Loki’s owner is having a pizza in the video and it seems like he cannot stop himself. Loki is wandering around his owner in an attempt to get the pizza or at least a slice of it.


He is greedy for sure; they are always greedy for more and more food.


Dogs are active and they need to run around all day long. Loki is Alaskan Malamute and it is said that they make the perfect family dog. 0


They are active but not hyperactive, they are extremely affectionate of humans and they are not violent. But like any other dog in the world, they are hungry and no matter how much you feed them, they will always want more.


Dogs have a pretty exhausting day from chewing your favorite footwear to running around the house all day long and this consumes all the food they have had and this is why they will always keep eating bits from your meal too.


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