Categories: Family

Bikers Escorted Young Boy With Down Syndrome To Protect Him Against Bullies

Screen Shot 2016 11 14 at 3.09.00 PM.png?fit=880%2C458&ssl=1&strip=all - Bikers Escorted Young Boy With Down Syndrome To Protect Him Against Bullies

Bullying has always been a huge problem at schools all over the world; but students with special needs more often become the target of violent bullying.


So it’s no surprise that Sean Maehrer’s parents worried about him as he prepared for his first day of high school. 

Sean is a child with Down syndrome.

His parents couldn’t help but fear: What if Sean is picked on for being different? Or even worse… What if he gets hurt?


Concerned about Sean, his family asked for help on Facebook. They posted their anxieties about his son starting high school and the story went viral.

On the morning of Sean’s first day of school, a group of unexpected people showed up for Sean, in front of his house.

via Facebook / Shawn Gaffney

It was the local motorcycle clubs, who are known to support US troops and veterans. They had read the Facebook post and they had organized a special escort just for Sean!


As leather-clad tattoo-covered muscular bikers gathered around, the neighbors popped out one by one to see what was going on. Little did they know, they were about to witness the incredible beginning of a new friendship!

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The bikers wanted to send a clear message to the would-be bullies. Of course the bikers are kindhearted people on the inside, but the high school would-be bullies were sure to be intimidated by their burly looks! 


“There’s no way anyone would dare make fun of Sean, knowing that he has the full support of all of us,” said one of the bikers.

And really, what’s cooler cooler than being escorted to school by your new biker friends on the first day of high school?!

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via Facebook / Shawn Gaffney

This special friendship lasted beyond the escort.point 264 |


The bikers regularly attend Sean’s soccer games and cheer him on! This is a great example of how you should see past the physical appearance and the disabilities of someone.point 156 | Sean and the bikers were able to bond across generations and lifestyles, and now Sean has best friends and protectors for the rest of his life.point 276 | 1

via Facebook / Shawn Gaffney

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