Categories: DIYHealthlifenews

This Woman Invented A Biodegradable Plastic That Biodegrades in Water, Just To Halt Environmental Pollution

Plastic waste is damaging the earth and causing severe health issues while increasing environmental pollution.


Today the world is so much concerned about this very issue. Human beings have been using plastic for decades which has caused the earth to a heap.

Plastic is produced in tons and among a few of them are used only once. This is harmful to health as well as cause pollution.

Source: © Sharon Barak / Facebook

We all know that plastic takes centuries to decompose thus a chemical engineer from Israel Sharon Barak has found a solution to it.


She first left the company where she used to work and that was a plastic manufacturing company.

Before creating something unique she had to quit the conventional plastic forming company.

We have gone addicted to plastic and everything we use contains plastic. Starting from cutlery to bathtub everything is made of plastic.


But this plastic which we use is not eco-friendly and thus is impose hazard to all the living beings.

If it accidentally goes into an ocean it becomes a danger for marine life as well.

Source: © Shutterstock.com © Depositphotos.com

Here we let you know about the average decomposing time for plastic. Plastic cups decompose in almost 50 years.


Straws take 200 years, and the plastic bottles that we use for drinking brewages take almost 450 years to decompose.

This time for decomposition gave a shock to Sharon and she decided to make plastic which decomposes in minutes.

Sharon formed a team which worked day and night and thus tried and test a number of chemicals and thus they succeeded in forming fake plastic.


This plastic is 100% eco-friendly and even dissolves in water. It does not harm marine life unlike ordinary plastic if it is thrown in the ocean.

This eco-friendly plastic is even safe to drink if it accidently falls into drinking water.

© Paulo de Oliveira / Biosphoto / Bios Photo / East News © Depositphotos.com

This plastic is easy to manufacture and the regular plastic making machines can manufacture it.


Moreover, this plastic does not require recycling as it becomes a part of nature in minutes. This plastic can be utilized for a number of purposes i.e. for wrapping food or making bottles.

Sharon and her team are working hard to introduce this plastic to the world.


What’s your take on this biodegradable plastic?