Categories: Animals/Petslife

Carlton II, The Bird, Broke The Migration Record by Flying 4,677 Miles in Just 7 Days

1 9.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Carlton II, The Bird, Broke The Migration Record by Flying 4,677 Miles in Just 7 Days

This speedy cuckoo flew over 4000 miles in merely seven days during its annual migration trip from Central Africa to the UK.


And it also broke the record books with its wings.

Carlton II had great help from the powerful southerly winds to fly 4,677 miles starting from the Ivory Coast in West Africa to the East of England.


Typically, the bird takes two or three weeks to complete its migration trip that starts from Gabon, a West African country prior to stopping at the Ivory Coast.


The journey of Carlton II and two other UK-bound birds were being tracked by the British Trust of Ornithology (BTO).


Carlton II became the fasted bird to make this trip after it landed at the Carlton Marshes located in Suffolk. It surpassed the other two cuckoos Senan and PJ, who, as of now, are stopping at North Africa and Spain.


In May 2018, Carlton II had a high-tech satellite fitted by the scientist of BTO, so that they can track its movement. As per the satellite’s information, it was seen arriving in the UK last week and stopped briefly at Berkshire prior to leaving for Suffolk.


The bird is likely to spend four to six weeks here and will hopefully breed. Post this period, it will be making its way back to the Congo Rainforest situated in Gabon, Central Africa.


Since it has been fitted the tag, the bird has traveled more than 22,000 miles migrating between its two homes. It is generally loyal to the breeding grounds, so we can expect to see him next year as well.


The bird is said to be three years old and is named after its territory in Suffolk. It is also the second cuckoo to be tagged from that particular area.


Dr. Chris Hewson, the lead scientist at BTA, said that it is amazing to see Carlton II cover over 3000 miles within just a week. He added that this is something that even swifts are often incapable of doing,

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