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Boris Johnson Suggests to Eliminate Hated TV License Fees

The U.


K. Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, said that he is considering scrapping all television licenses.

The polls in the U.K. will take place on Thursday and just before three days, the PM suggested to visit the North East so that he could eliminate the hated license fee. 


When asked by a factory worker if the Tory government would abolish television license fees for everybody, the PM said that at this stage of his campaign, he is going to make the unfunded spending campaign but he thinks that BBC should pay for the licenses as they promised to do for those who are above 75. 


The BBC has announced that 3.7 million pensioners who are over 75 will have to pay the licenses from 2020, while they presently get it for free.


According to experts, this move will penalize those with little savings pots.


He added that at this stage, they are not looking to get rid of all television license fees but he is certainly thinking over it.


He further said that one must ask oneself if funding a media, TV organization makes sense in the long-term provided the manner in which other organizations fun themselves.  

He even questioned that for how long can the system wherein everyone who owns a TV is needed to pay to fund a specific set of radio and TV channels be justified.


Currently, everyone who is watching TV lives, ITV player, or iPlayer has to spend on a license for doing so. Since 2016, a loophole was closed by the Government which let the telly fans watch their favorite shows on the BBC iPlayer without paying anything. 


This comes after more than 3.5 million Brits have canceled the TV license fees between 2014-18. 

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