Categories: life

12-Year-Old Boy Dubbed A Hero After Noticing Girl’s Heartbreaking Message And Saving Her Life

untitled design 33.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 12-Year-Old Boy Dubbed A Hero After Noticing Girl's Heartbreaking Message And Saving Her Life

A young boy was hailed a hero after taking notice of a girl in distress and saving her life just in time.


12-year-old Gabe Rongier saved the girl’s life by calling the authorities immediately after he saw her claim she “wouldn’t be here tomorrow” in one of her Snapchat posts.

CBS Pittsburgh

As the boy from Fox Chapel explained, he felt he needed to do something about the situation despite the girl living over one thousand miles away.


According to the 12-year-old boy scout, he didn’t personally know the girl who shared her suicide message on Snapchat. Despite thinking she might be just fooling around, the boy contacted the national suicide prevention hotline and told them about his findings.

Getty Images

Fortunately, Gabe’s concerns were taken seriously and he was put through to Officer Chandler of the Police Department in East Texas where the girl is from.


“He went to her house, checked up on her,” Gabe said. “The next day he called me and said, ‘she’s fine. It’s real.’”

Thanks to geotracking, the officers were able to locate the suicidal girl and intervene “just in time” to save her life.

CBS Pittsburgh

Following the incident, the police awarded the brave boy with a ‘Challenge Coin’ and a Grand Saline Police Department patch.


Lori Rongier, Gabe’s mom, also spoke out and said she couldn’t feel prouder about her son who aims to become a SWAT officer when he grows up. She also expressed she hopes that his actions will influence other children and inspire them to take action and help those in need.


“When he went to bed, I always kiss him and, I’ve been telling him since that day, ‘you’re my little hero,’” Gabe’s father, Fred, added.


As for Gabe, he said he feels “relieved that she’s OK.”

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