Categories: Familylife

Boy Heartbroken After Mom’s Miscarriage, Months Later He Breaks Into Tears As He Receives An Unexpected Gift

©Love What Matters

A young boy who was excited to become a big brother was left heartbroken after learning his mom suffered a miscarriage.


While siblings are often known to be the biggest rivals out there, the bond and the memories they share are simply priceless. Though some kids may feel unsure about becoming big brothers or sisters at first, most can’t wait to get new playmates.

©Love What Matters

One such example is an 11-year-old boy who couldn’t wait to become a big brother for the first time after his mom revealed she was pregnant with twins.


Sadly, the pregnancy didn’t go as planned and the family lost their twins in the summer of 2016, leaving the single child heartbroken.

©Love What Matters

More than a year later, however, the mother got pregnant again and decided to surprise her son with the best gift he could ever wish for.


As the mom told Love What Matters, she packed a framed sonogram picture in the gift she gave to her son as a present. While the boy remained calm while opening the package, he immediately broke into tears after realizing what was hidden inside the box.

©Love What Matters

“Our family lost twins in June 2016. We all took it hard, but my son took it especially hard, not able to understand why this was happening when he wanted to be a big brother so badly,” the family wrote.

©Love What Matters

“After 15 months of trying again, we finally got pregnant with our Rainbow baby. We told our son, by wrapping up a framed sonogram picture. His reaction was heartwarming and more than I expected.

©Love What Matters

“I couldn’t record anymore at the end. I had to go and sit on the floor with him, and cry together. This baby is going to have the best big brother in the world, even with an 11.5 year age gap. I have a feeling they will be the best of friends.”

©Love What Matters

The emotional video was shared on Love What Matters Facebook page where it quickly racked up thousands of likes and comments.


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