Categories: life

13-Year-Old Boy Started Petition To Ban Plastic Christmas Decorations

Following Greta Thunberg’s motivational speeches and climate change protests all around the world, teens have started growing up to the idea of the importance of preservation of our planet.


While the majority have taken to the streets to express their anger over governments’ actions, some have taken things further by starting their own petitions and movements.

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One such boy is 13-year-old Alexander who pleaded with giant grocery store chains such as Lidl, Aldi, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, and Asda to stop selling Christmas crackers.


The latter look like wrapped candies and are filled with a small gift, a joke, and a bunch of plastic novelty that ends up in the trash right after opening.

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In the petition, Alexander wrote:


“I am 13 years old and I love crackers at Christmas. We all have a great time pulling them at the end of lunch and then the table is left with a pile of plastic that nobody actual wants!

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“Along with the wrapping and ribbons and the cracker pully bit it all goes straight in the bin and yet more plastic ends up in the ocean or landfill.


“Please stop selling them in the shops so they stop making them in China! Save our planet – Alexander age 13.”

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The boy’s plea to end the sale of Christmas crackers followed after dozens of posts on social media have gone viral for encouraging people to say no to single-use plastic decorations.


Instead of resorting to such products, activists suggest buying décor made of alternative materials or reusing old decorations.


To take a look at Alexander’s petition click here.


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