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Little Boy Shaves Off His Hair To Raise Money For His Best Friend With Rare Cancer

Watch the heartwarming video below:


Video Credit: SWNS/Mills GoPro Videos

A little boy has shaved off his hair to raise money for his six-year-old best friend who has rare cancer.

Oisín Ruskin has raised £2,800 for his six-year-old best friend, Lulu DeVries who he met on the first day at Great Denham Primary School in Bedford, in September 2017.


Lulu – a six-year-old brave girl – was then diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma and has since gone through rounds of chemotherapy, surgery, a stem cell harvest, stints in isolation, radiotherapy. She is currently having immunotherapy.


Her parents are trying to raise money as they have been told it’s her ‘last chance’.


Her best friend Oisín wanted to help his best pal and decided to shave off his hair to raise money.

Lulu cut off Oisín’s hair and after seeing his new look, Oisín said to Lulu: ‘I look like you now’.

Oisín, who had a £100 target, set up a JustGiving page and has raised £2,800 so far.


His mother Jo Ruskin, 40, said: ‘I’m so proud of him. He knows that there is medicine Lulu needs which isn’t available in this country.’


‘I was speaking about fundraising ideas with my husband and Oisín overheard and asked how it all worked.’

‘He’s a bit of a cheeky-chappy but he’s also stubborn. You could hear him saying to Lulu “don’t forget about his bit”. It really brought them together as friends.’


‘Oisín turned around and said he was going to make the target £2,000. We thought it was a bit ambitious so we just said “let’s keep it at £100”.’


‘Initially, we arranged to have Oisín’s hairdresser do the shave but she suggested it might be better for Lulu to do it.’


Lulu’s dad Rob DeVries, 51, said: ‘It was a special moment. He’s a determined young boy.’


‘At other fundraisers, he’d go up to people and tell them what he was doing and then come back to Jo and say: “Here you go mum. Here’s another fiver”.’



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