Categories: Healthlife

6-Year-Old Boy With Spina Bifida Walked 10 Meters A Day To Raise Money For Healthcare Workers After Watching Captain Tom Moore

After watching Captain Tom Moore complete 100 laps to raise money for healthcare workers, 6-year-old Frank Mills decided to walk 10 meters a day to help the NHS workers fighting against the coronavirus.


The young boy, who has spina bifida, walked ten meters a day with his frame to raise funds.

In an interview with the Bristol Post, Frank’s mother, Janet Mills, said: “When Frank saw Captain Tom on TV, he said: ‘I want to do that.’

Just Giving

“So we grabbed hold of that magic moment and we took his walker outside for him and chalked out 10 metres on the pavement with a start and finish line and two metre ‘you can do it!’ markers.


“Frank’s enthusiasm was not just surprising but invigorating and as he shouted at one of our neighbours to sponsor him, we thought why not? Maybe we could get some friends and family to support Frank.”

The 6-year-old, who was born under 25 weeks and spent almost 5 months in the neonatal intensive care unit, just started walking last year and still finds it difficult to finish short distances.

SWNS:South West News Service

He was also born with spina bifida, a birth defect that occurs when the spinal cord and spine don’t form properly in the womb.


Frank’s initial goal was £99 but he managed to raise a whopping £118,137 on his Justgiving page.

His parents, Tony and Janet, have praised healthcare workers for their ‘absolutely amazing care and dedication.’

SWNS:South West News Service

Funds raised from the fundraiser will also go to NHS Charities Together.


“At a time of great national anxiety, Captain Tom has given us a really good news story when we desperately needed one, especially inspiring our little lad Frank,” Janet added.

“Folk have been so generous, especially at a time when people are struggling financially, and we would like to thank everyone who has supported Frank from the bottom of our hearts.


“It restores your faith in humanity.”

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