Categories: life

Boy Compared To A SHARK After Growing Two Sets Of Teeth

A boy who grew an ‘extra set’ of teeth has been dubbed after the movie Jaws thanks to his unique looks.


Zak Brown was just 8-years-old when he and his parents noticed there was something very odd about his teeth.


After growing a complete set of teeth, Zak’s second line of fangs started forming right behind his front teeth.


Following a visit to the dentist, the family found out that the boy’s permanent teeth started popping out of his gums behind his milk teeth, meaning that the latter were not pushed out as usual.


Soon enough, Zak became a star at his school where classmates began comparing him to the movie jaws and calling him sharkboy.


“We thought something was a bit fishy when he got his first extra tooth through. All the while he wasn’t losing his baby teeth,” Zak’s mom, Claire, said.


“Unfortunately there is now a good two or three year wait to see the orthodontist.”


While most people find Zak’s extra set of teeth very interesting, the family is determined to get rid of them as soon as possible.


“Although it doesn’t hurt and he has no trouble eating, it is starting to affect his speech slightly,” Claire added.


As the mother also recalled, her son would always get jealous of his siblings who were losing their deciduous teeth normally and getting a cash prize from the tooth fairy in return.

©Ross Parry

After the boy finally lost his first baby tooth, parents Claire and Richard made sure to reward him properly.


“We gave him $13 to a-bait him,” the mom said.

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