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A Strong Little Boy Survived After Being Bitten By Two Western Brown Snakes

nfdd.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - A Strong Little Boy Survived After Being Bitten By Two Western Brown Snakes

“Everything in Australia wants to kill you”, Yeah that’s right! Australian soil is having a bad reputation for it’s creepiest and deadliest critters.


Either we talk about Irukandji jellyfish, Bull shark, Saltwater crocodile, or Sydney funnel web spider. But let’s just not talk about these creepy monsters, Or, rather, talk about most dangerous one of them: The Western Brown snake.

Also known as Gwardar, this deadly critter delivers a bite with three times as much venom as his cousin-the Eastern Brown snake, which can end up fatally. Yet this little boy, who is only six-years-old, survived two strikes of this venomous creature with a gap of 1 week.

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Brian Bush

This happened when Joel Canning from Wongan Hills, Australia, was playing outside with his friends on a warm sunny day.point 209 |


He was attacked by a western brown snake.point 34 | Joel knew it was going to be very bad so he started running towards his home while crying these words “I’m not going to die”.point 141 | As he reached home, quiet and peaceful, he asked his mother a simple question that whether those who are bit by a western brown snake go to paradise or not.point 268 | 1

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Brian Bush

Joel’s mother, Pippa Canning, didn’t get why Joel is asking such a question so she replied with a “Yes.point 200 | ” But right after that, she saw Joel collapsed and that’s when she realized something is wrong.point 283 |


Joel started having breathing difficulty.point 37 | Canning took him to Perth for emergency medical care and he got recovered after some quick medical treatment provided.point 137 | 1

Brian Bush

But that’s not it. Right after one week, he got bit again by a western brown snake on the same street where he was playing earlier. Yet, Joel had a belief that he would survive this too as he did the first time because he had prayed to God, and he actually did.


Almighty was merciful to Joel, still getting attacked by this deadly animal twice, left Joel with panic attacks and anxiety issues.

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