Categories: life

4-Year-Old Dying Boy Woke Up Minutes Before Passing Away To Tell His Mum ‘I Love You’



Nolan Scully is a four-year-old kid who is suffering from rare soft tissue cancer shows love to his mother in different ways.

Every day he would just lie down on the rug outside the washroom to wait for his mother to finish showering. Ruth Scully used to feel so heartbroken seeing her son lying outside like that every day.


That rug wouldn’t mean anything to some other person, but for Ruth, it meant a lot because that was her son’s way to show love and need for his mother.


Nolan started having stuffy nose initially, and his parents thought that it was normal as every kid goes through a stuffy nose. Nolan began having breathing and snoring problems at night and was taken to see the doctor.


Nolan was treated with saline spray, antibiotics, steam and humidifier to get rid of the stuffy nose. When nothing was helping the little kid, then the doctors decided to do a surgery to remove the swollen adenoids with tonsils.

After the surgery, the adenoids were tested, and that’s when the doctors came to know that the little boy had rhabdomyosarcoma which a type of soft tissue cancer.


Soon after discovering his cancer, the kids went through a lot of tests, radiations, and chemotherapy. After two years, Nolan finally agreed to end his battle with cancer and had the expectations of going to heaven.


Though for his parents it wasn’t easy to let go of their child at such a young age. the medical team made a sensitive conversation with the parents about ending the treatments and making Nolan comfortable with the situation.


When Ruth finally went to have a conversation with her kid, Nolan was worried about letting his mother down at that time.


So Ruth told him that she can only protect him and keep him safe in heaven now. Nolan’s family was taking him home for one night, but he said that it is okay to stay in hospital.

So after 36 hours, Ruth asked her son if she can take a shower and if he’ll be okay with her leaving his side for some moments. When Ruth came out of the shower, she saw her kid’s oxygen level dropping down and him falling into a deep sleep.


She quickly went to her, and just for a moment Nolan opened his eyes and said ‘I Love You, Mommy,’ and that was it. Ruth shared on Facebook that she is petrified to take shower now because whenever she comes out, she finds an empty rug and feels the absence of her kid.


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