Categories: Entertainmentlife

Brad Pitt Finally Speaks Out After A Group Used His Name And Photo To Promote ‘Straight Pride Parade’

A group called ‘Super Happy Fun America’ used Brad Pitt’s name and photo to promote ‘Straight Pride Parade’ and the Hollywood star is not happy about it.


The actor has threatened legal action against the Super Happy Fun America for making him its ‘mascot.’

According to a source, “Pitt has made it clear to the small group of Boston men planning a ‘Straight Pride’ parade they must stop using the actor’s name and likeness for their purposes.”


In addition, sources close to the actor also told TMZ that “his team has reached out to the Straight Pride Parade organizers, demanding they stop using his name and likeness for their event.


“If they don’t do it soon … we’re told further action could be taken.”

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the site said: “The Straight Community has adopted Brad Pitt as our mascot! Congratulations to Mr. Pitt for being the face of this important civil rights movement. Straight Rights are Human Rights!”


The website has been changed and altered their post: “The Straight Community has adopted [Redacted] as our mascot! Congratulations to [Redacted] for being the face of this important civil rights movement. Straight Rights are Human Rights!”


The site also advertises: “Super Happy Fun America invites you to celebrate the diverse history, culture, and contributions of the straight community!

“The Straight Pride Event will be held to achieve inclusivity and spread awareness of issues impacting straights in Greater Boston and beyond. It will be a one-day event consisting of a parade followed by a flag raising ceremony. Celebrate being heterosexual!”


According to the group, Boston rejected their application to fly a ‘straight pride flag’ at city hall.

“We will continue to educate the Mayor and the public in anticipation that one day straights will be able to celebrate their lifestyle like everyone else. What better way to educate and foster unity than by having a parade!” the site says.


When asked about the parade, Mayor Walsh said: “Come on, I don’t know what this straight pride parade is all about. I know that we have a pride parade on Saturday and that’s what I’m going to march in.”


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