Categories: Familylife

Bride Outraged After Groom Secretly ‘Ruins’ Their Wedding Photos

An outraged bride has spoken out and revealed how her groom ruined their wedding photos by making silly poses in secret.


As the unnamed woman revealed online, her now-husband sabotaged their official wedding photos by making silly faces and poses without making her aware of his mischief.

©Getty Images

According to the bride, she now feels like a fool because she’s smiling in her wedding photos while her husband is making goofy faces and poses involving ‘gun fingers’.


While the husband allegedly insisted it was all just “a joke,” the woman now feels she doesn’t have any good photos to remember her wedding day by despite paying $1,700 on wedding photography.

©Getty Images

After she raised the matter with her husband and asked him to redo the photo shoot, the guy allegedly refused and insisted that the photos are funny.


“We had a small wedding recently (outdoors) and hired a photog to take pictures. In the pictures where we aren’t looking at each other, my husband is (unbeknownst to me) smiling with his mouth open extremely wide and pointing at me with finger guns,” the woman wrote on Reddit.

©Getty Images

“We have maybe 6 wedding photos that I would want anyone to see. We spent $1700 on the pics and most of them are so embarrassing.


“My husband won’t re-take any of them, and also wants our Christmas card to be one where he’s making the face while tipping an invisible fedora (ironically, I guess.)

“He thinks it’s funny and shows our personalities. But it really feels like it’s making me out to be a chump because I’m smiling sincerely.”

Source – Pixabay

After asking fellow Redditers whether she should push the matter or give up, people were quick to voice their support for the bride and slam her husband for being inconsiderate.


“I would be beyond p*****. One or two funny pictures are okay BUT having only 6 that you like is unacceptable,” one person wrote.

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