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Bring a Glow to Your Skin Like Your Favourite Celebrity With These 11 Tips

Do you know the secret behind Celebrities looking so stunning all the time? Do you know how celebrities can hide their aging look?


The army of personal skincare helps them to maintain all of that. Let us see what it requires for them to look so gorgeous all the time. We will help you explore their best-kept secrets.

  1. Don’t miss out on applying Sunscreen

The primary step to get healthy skin is to regularly use the sunscreen. Experts say that none of the techniques would work without the use of sunscreen. It is also said that the SPF of the sunscreen should not be less than 30.

  1. The rule is to not over dry your skin at the time of inflammation

Just as the alcohol works, the anti-spot creams contain benzoyl peroxide. This chemical leads to dryness of the skin. It further intensifies the inflammation.


It is difficult to get rid of the spots that remain on your face for a long time. Doctors’ have recommended exfoliating with salicylic or lactic acid. You can also try cleansing masks with clay.

  1. Rub a cube of ice for instant help

One of the well-known dermatologists recommended applying ice cubes for a few seconds. This will help your skin to glow and will avoid dull complexion. Rubbing ice on your face also helps in circulation.

  1. Everything that touches your skin should be clean

Starting with the phone, you often put your phone at the side of your face when you are on a call. You need to keep everything clean that touches your skin, even by chance.


Keep your hands clean. Don’t forget to change your pillow covers every week. You need to take more care if you have oily skin.

  1. Don’t forget to care about your neck

The neck is as delicate as your face. The skin of your neck is even thinner. It is necessary to keep nourishing the skin of your neck also.

  1. Acne-prone to avoid face scrubs and face sponges
point 41 |

You should always consult a skin expert before applying anything abrasive on your skin.point 228 |


People who have acne, have higher chances of getting graver inflammation.point 63 | They are advised to avoid face scrubs and sponges.point 105 | They need extra delicate cleansing.point 136 | To avoid reddening and inflammation on your face, it is better to put a water and aspirin paste to the spots on your face.point 235 | 1

  1. Keep a regular check of your beauty accessories


You should never store your beauty products in the bathroom. The humid air ruins the products. They expire more quickly. Additionally. The face creams and a few other accessories need not be kept in the fridge very often.

  1. Make yourself feel relaxed with facial massage

To avoid dark circles, undergo suitable facial massage. It helps is removing the lymph drainage that creates dark circles. The massage will help to stimulate the flow of lymph. The skin gets smoothened and the dull patches vanish.

  1. The more you care, the better it glows

No matter how tired you get from parties or any occasions, it is mandatory to clean your face. The makeup needs to be removed before you hit the bed. Failure of this can result in blocking the pores of your skin and lead to inflammations.

  1. Make your hands as soft as your face

If you care about your face, you need to care about your hands, too. It doesn’t even ask much of your time. Even the skin of your hands is delicate.


Always carry a hand cream with you, wherever you go. Apply your sunscreen to your hands, too. You can even use anti-aging creams to moisten the skin of your hands.

  1. Remove your upper undergarments before sleeping

This step should never be ignored. You should never sleep with your bras on. it creates difficulty in blood circulation. This is a major reason for all your skin irritation, restlessness and it also darkens your skin from inside. Especially, under the straps.


Stay hydrated, exfoliate your skin. Eat healthy food and consults dermatologists from time to time. You can also get your skin glowing, following all the steps regularly just like your favourite Celebrity.

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