Categories: Healthlife

Brisk Walking Can Make You Live Longer

Walking is a great exercise that seems so much fun.


Well, all of us are not the kind who can spend hours and hours in the gym or in the yoga class to take care of their body.

That is why; walking is the thing that is meant for people like us. Although there are a few rules to walking, they only work when you are walking for the purpose of exercise.


There are two kinds of people in the world, one, the kind that walks like a slushy dog, slow and lazy, and the other ones are that never let their speed fall, not because they do not want to but because they are naturally fast walkers or they have adapted the habit of walking faster.


A study that was carried out by the experts of Leicester University says people who walk faster and briskly tend to live longer than people who don’t, irrespective of their weight.


The study took data from 474,919 people from the UK. The average age of these people were 52 and the data was collected between 2006 and 2016.


It was found out that the females that walk faster had a life expectancy age of 86.7 to 87.8 years. And the males who always keep their speed up to have the average expectancy of 85.2 to 86.8.


But the same average age in the people who walk slowly is very different.


Females who tend to walk slowly has an average age expectancy age of 72.4, and for the men who tend to walk at a slower pace, the average expectancy is 64.8 years old.


It makes a huge difference of about 10 to 20 years. So now, it is in your hands if you wish to walk slow or fast. Or should I say, you wish to live more or less?

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