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Britain Won’t Run Out Of Medical Supplies If There’s A No Deal Brexit

If there’s a No Deal Brexit, Britain won’t run out of drugs and medical supplies, according to a royal college head.


Professor Russell Viner, President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said even if there’s a No Deal Brexit, Britain won’t run out of drugs supplies.

According to the Sunday Telegraph, he had emailed 19,000 doctors ahead of EU exit.

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He wrote in the email: “I know that many of you will have been watching the news about Brexit with feelings of uncertainty and increasing alarm [but] I have been considerably reassured by the Government’s preparations relating to medicines supplies.”


“Working hard behind the scenes and we believe our medicine supplied are very largely secured”.

“We do not believe there is a need to stockpile medicines and would encourage you to dissuade patients from doing so.”

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But, critics believe that no-deal Brexit could see hospitals run out of medicine. The NHS trusts’ chief executive Chris Hopson said, “Public health and disease control coordination could suffer the entire supply chain of pharmaceuticals”.


He has warned about the shortage of medicines and has written a letter to NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens and NHS Improvement chief Ian Dalton.

He wrote in the letter: “For as long as that risk remains, it is important that detailed operation planning is undertaken across the NHS. Yet trusts tell us that their work in this area is being hampered by the lack of visible and appropriate communication.”

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“Our members have begun planning… but they have hit a problem, in that some activities are clearly best done at a national level and, in the view of trusts, are best coordinated by NHS England and NHS Improvement.”


“However there has been no formal communication to trusts from either of your organizations on this issue.”



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