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Video Of The Bull’s Ears Being Hacked Off To Give Children As A Trophy Sparked Outrage

bull ears hack off spain.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Video Of The Bull’s Ears Being Hacked Off To Give Children As A Trophy Sparked Outrage

Shocking video of young bulls being tortured to death by trainee bullfighters in Cordoba, Spain has emerged:


Video Credit: Pen News

Horrifying video footage, which was filmed at an arena in Cordoba, show children torturing the bulls to death.

The footage shows the ears and tails of the bulls being hacked off and given to children as a trophy.

Pen News
Pen News

They do this in honour of women every year.


The horrifying video sparked outrage online and is being slammed for treating the animals cruelly.

According to DailyMail, Marta Esteban of Animal Guardians said: “Every year they do this calf-fighting and they say they do it as a homage to Cordovan women. Very few people attend, about 2,000 in a 17,000-capacity bullring.”

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“They also do it to promote the students learning bullfighting at different bullfighting schools in Andalusia.point 311 |


The ear and/or tail of the animals are offered to the bullfighters if they perform well and then these are given to the public as a ‘present’”.point 131 | 1

“As you see in the video, one of the animals is still alive when the ear is cut off. The other ear is moving while they do that.”


“We cannot know the exact age of the bullfighting students involved. Some look under 18. They can kill animals from 14 years on.”

Pen News

“So those would be the ones actually torturing and performing in the bullfight. Then there are spectators of any age and those who are invited into the bullring in their typical Cordovan costumes to pick up the ears.”


“This gratuitous violence towards noble and innocent beings is carried out by young people, some probably under 18, and in the presence of minors. This is unfit for a civilized country.”

“We demand politicians take immediate measures so that this type of event stops taking place in our country, and children and adolescents are protected from this violence.”






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