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Female Bus Driver Risked Her Own Life To Save A Boy With Autism At A Busy Intersection

bus driver saves boy.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Female Bus Driver Risked Her Own Life To Save A Boy With Autism At A Busy Intersection

Watch the brave bus driver saving the boy with autism:


Video Credit: Facebook/Milwaukee County Transit System

One female bus driver from Milwaukee, Wisconsin saved a 6-year-old boy with autism from being hit by vehicles at a busy intersection.

Cecilia Nation-Gardner – a bus driver for the Milwaukee County Transit System – spotted a 6-year-old boy walking towards the busy intersection.


She warned others by honking. Then she ran into the busy street to save the child, risking her own life.

Cecilia Nation-Gardner/Facebook

She grabbed his hand, walked him to safety and called the police.


Later it turned out the boy with autism had wandered away from his school.

“It was meant for me to be there. God does everything for a reason”, Nation-Gardner said, according to CBS News.

Cecilia Nation-Gardner/Facebook
Cecilia Nation-Gardner/Facebook

The woman was praised and was hailed as a Hero but she wrote on her Facebook:


“Ok Family and Friends. This doesn’t make me a HERO. It just shows how great I am. This is my everyday love for life and people. My heart has a lot of love for kids. Whether they mine or someone else’s. So I thank you all for ur compliment.”

Milwaukee County Transit System

The boy’s mother, Cassandra Renee Garrett thanked the driver for saving her son.

She commented on the video: “This Was My son That Wandered Off The School Property. He Has Autism And Epilepsy. Thank You For Saving My Baby.”






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