Categories: Animals/Petslife

Social Experiment: Would You Sell Your Dog For $100,000?

untitled 1 35.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Social Experiment: Would You Sell Your Dog For $100,000?

There are things that money can’t buy like happiness, manners, respect, trust and a ‘dog’ whose owner loves him so much :) If you are having a rough day, you should watch this video and I bet, it will make your day.


No doubt, we all love cats and dogs. For some people, these are just pets, but for many others, they are like a family member. No matter how much money you offer them, they won’t ever sell them. This famous Youtuber, BigDawsTv, thought to try a social experiment to see if people would sell their dogs for $100,000? And the way people reacted will melt your heart.

Social Experiment: Would You Sell Your Dog for $100,000?

This Youtube celebrity went to Chicago to conduct an experiment and find out if people would sell their dogs if give $100k.point 456 |


Although its hard to believe, he proved that the love people have for their dogs is so strong that no amount of money can change their minds.point 119 | He approached random people and offered $100,000 in exchange for the dog.point 183 | Surprisingly, none of these people agreed to take the money except for one.point 248 |


Bernie’s owner thought its a good deal and went to ask his wife.point 54 | But we are sure, he would be scolded badly by his wife for thinking something like that :) Well, let’s watch the video that went viral all over the internet.point 188 | 1


It’s just such a beautiful video. I am already hugging my dog and in tears thinking if I were to ever live without him. The pure love you have for these innocent creatures is worth more than any materialistic thing.

We hope you enjoyed watching the video. Since sharing is caring, why don’t you go ahead and share the video with your loved ones?