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Inspiring Young Football Star Calder Hodge Has Gone Against the Odds

Watch the inspiring video of this footballer here:


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Video Credit: Rumble

Kids always dream of playing their favorite sports even when they graduate out of high school.

Sports is one thing that keeps them alive and happy in their life. It is the story of why Calder Hodge is different from the other kids who love to play sports.


When Calder was born, the doctors claimed that tibia bones are absent, and that’s why he had to get his legs amputated till the knees.


He got this surgery done when he was two and a half years old.


This is a huge setback to pull a kid from going after his or her dream, but in the case of Calder, it was the motivation to follow his dreams no matter what.


Calder is now 13 years old, and he loves football as he thinks that he feels normal while he plays that game. He feels happy when people can only judge him by the way he plays sports.


Kayla and Mike Hodge, Calder’s parents, have always motivated their son to follow his dreams and not limit himself because of some flaws.

Incredibly, Calder has supportive parents who are always motivating him to go after his love for football.


John Tillman, Calder’s football coach, claims that it is impressive to see how the boy has progressed in the sport.


Even after the most significant setback he has, he managed to play this sport just like the other boys.


Calder has a Gofundme page to collect funds for his surgery which will cost him around $8000 to get a new walking prosthetic.


So far, the page is running successfully, and he is slowly collecting money as his parents cannot alone afford the surgery.

Calder is positively working towards his goals, and he hopes that he achieves them.

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