Categories: Familylife

Mother Claimed Her Security Camera Captured The Ghost Of Her Son Who Passed Away Two Years Ago


The kitchen security camera did capture a transparent figure, which was witnessed by Jennifer Hodge, 57, from Atlanta, Georgia.


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The mother received a notification on her phone, which said that a ‘person was spotted in the entryway.’ The notification came while she was watching TV with her daughter Lauren.


Ms. Jennifer Hodge tells that when she opened the image, she saw a transparent male figure that looked just like her son Robbie who died two years ago due to a drug overdose.

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Ms. Hodge, who is an estate agent, mentioned that she still freaks out over what she saw that day but somehow finds her peace by believing that her son is in a peaceful environment.

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She further added: ‘It was just insane and she was blown away.’

She said that she was in bed watching TV with her daughter, and was about to sleep.


Ms. Hodge got a message notification in her phone saying someone was in the kitchen.

Jennifer’s daughter was like mom, there is a person in the kitchen… mom, that’s Robbie!

She was left stunned.

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The immediate reaction of both the mother and daughter was to go to the kitchen to have a closer look at the unusual sight but eventually found no one to be there.


The image appears to have a male who is wearing white clothes.

Ms. Hodge said that she felt like her son was letting her know that he is happy in heaven.

This brings her some comfort, but she still thinks it’s weird.

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She is still in awe and wonders why such a thing happened in the first place.


She also mentioned that she has never seen something like of a ghost before.

When asked if she thinks the transparent image on the camera to be of Robbie, she said that she would love to see anybody else’s camera where such sort of an image has been captured.


Robbie died due to an overdose from a fake Xanax in 2016 at a very young age of 23.

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The mother spoke well of her child that he was a  ‘giving, caring, loving human being’ and both had started a charity to help people who go through the severe problem of battling addiction.


Ms. Hodge said that her son Robbie was great as a kid.

Robbie was an addict, and the family was somehow sure that it was heroin that took him away from them.

The mother and son together started a charity for helping out people who suffered from chronic addiction for which they won the national and local awards as well.


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