Categories: Healthlife

Different Research Groups Are Testing To See The Effect Of Coronavirus In Smokers

According to research, smokers face severe consequences of the coronavirus.


Chinese took out a study where they found that over a quarter of people that needed life support or have died after suffering from the virus were smokers.

In contrast, only a minimal of 11 percent of people who suffered from the initial symptoms of mild fever and cough were smokers.


In another research carried out in Wuhan, the city that was the epicenter of the virus and had seen most of the positive cases a new observation was found. The research said that smokers were able to detect their progress with the virus.


But one team from China in their research found out that smokers were less likely to catch the diseases in the first place. But if they do, they were more likely to suffer from serious complications of the same.


The EU health in public interest revealed that smokers were likely to be more susceptible to serious consequences.


But following the same, the research team even said that the data they have is not sufficient as doctors and experts around the world are likely working on the same to find clarified results.


One group of researchers who were working on the data said that the results were more of an assumption. They said that to find the right information on the same, several more trials will be required.


Smoking is a killer habit that is popular for being a source of cancer. Smoking damages the lungs and risks health as it makes the lungs vulnerable to respiratory infections, such as flu.


Researches coming out of the Zhongnan Hospital located at Wuhan University reveal that only 1.4% of the 140 patients admitted in the facility were smokers.


Doctors of the facility said that out of nine only 2 people were active smokers. The rest of the 7 were past smokers. However, only 3 of these nine were classed as mild cases, the rest of the 6 were suffering from serious consequences.

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