We are back with another riddle! Can you figure it out on your own? If you can’t, we will be giving you hints throughout the article like we usually do.
This riddle is asking what it is– You go at red and stop at green, what am I? The first thought that people would think about is a traffic light, but surprise! This riddle does not have anything to do with traffic lights. You may ask, what is it then? That’s for you to find out.
Some might have a theory that instead of the traffic lights, it has something to do with the cars that are on the street.
To be honest, it does not have to deal with that kind of scene at all.
This riddle has to deal with objects that are prepared, sometimes being involved with the household. Did that spark a light for you at all? If it did not, don’t worry, we will send another hint your way.Think hard. What stops at green and goes at red? It is definitely not a traffic light this time, that is breaking the law and doing the opposite.
Here is the last hint: It has to do with something that involves eating food. Does that help at all? It is mostly a snack and can provide nutrients to your system. Hot chips are usually red, but that does not make up for the green. What kind of fruit has both colors, and why do you stop at green? Here is the answer! Are you ready for it?
The answer is: Watermelon! Watermelon is a fruit that you go at red, and stop once you get to the green rind. It makes sense! Did you get it this time, or did it take a while for you to understand? We will be back with more puzzles and riddles for you to solve!