Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Figure Out The Correct Answer To This ‘Seemingly Simple’ Puzzle?

According to a study, age-related riddles are some of the most fun yet mind-boggling challenges of them all.


Without a doubt, we certainly would agree unanimously that this next brain teaser is no exception to the norm. It’s a tricky play on words that makes it appear as if it’s too logical or perhaps quite daunting in terms of math. But the reality is far from that.

Source: Free Design Play

Surprisingly, only a group of people were able to solve it and we believe that our dedicated group of readers could surely be one of them. So, are you ready and willing to give it a try? We certainly do hope so! Good luck and don’t forget to share it with loved ones across the board because sharing is always caring!


The Puzzle

Source: Riddles With Answers

The riddle showing two siblings of different ages. Now, the makers of the riddle have kept it quite safe or so we may assume. But again, the easier the puzzle, the trickier the challenge. Don’t you agree?


So here, the sibling claims that their brother was half their age when they were two. Now, the sibling has reached the 100 years victorious and celebratory landmark. Hence, how old do you think the brother should be?

Source: Sibling

Let us know your thoughts and observations in the comments section and don’t forget to SHARE the fun with others as well because sharing is just like caring.


The Answer

Source: Free Sound Library

The correct answer to the puzzle is 99 years old! Scroll down below for the logical explanation.


Ok, so when the author was 2, their brother was half their age which makes them a one-year-old. Clearly, the sibling is one year younger. Since the author is now 100, just minus one year from the total and that will give you 99 years old!

Was it tricky or straightforward- do let us know and stay tuned for more!