We are back with another riddle of the day! If you don’t get this one right away, don’t worry.
We have other riddles and quizzes for you to solve. Are you ready? Here it is. In the riddle, it states, Frank is born in 1933 and died in 1946 at the age of 75. How could this be? Could you already tell by the first glance of how the answer came to be, or will you need hints along the way?
If someone were to do the math, it does not make sense.
If he was born in 1933 and died in 1946, wouldn’t Frank be 13? Yet, he died at the age of 75 in 1946.Here is a hint, there is no math that needs to be involved in this riddle.
The answer is actually in the riddle. Can you figure it out, or do you need a little bit of time? Tag a friend or try to see if anyone else has figured it out yet. Don’t use the search results to find it! That ruins the surprise.If you need another hint, try reading the riddle again.
The riddle states that he was born in 1933 and died at the age of 75.With context clues, what does that give you? Since his year of death is not expected, it has something to do with his age.
Again, there is no math involved, so how can this riddle be solved? It does not seem possible, but we have the answers for you right here.We will be revealing the answer soon.
We’ll give you some more time to see if you can get the answer yourself. Once again, it does not have to deal with math, and the answer is located in the riddle. Figured it out?
The answer is that Fred was born in the room 1933. It doesn’t explicitly state that 1933 is the year, but users assume it is because of how the riddle is worded.