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Can You Solve This Riddle?

riddle 1.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Can You Solve This Riddle?

There is a new riddle that has been trending on social media, becoming viral as it makes users grind their gears as they figure out what the name of the child is.


It has been seen on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and so forth. Are you ready for the challenge?


The riddle states:


“Riddle me this… Penny has 5 children. The 1st kid is named January. 2nd kid is named February. Her 3rd is called March. 4th is April. What is the name of the 5th. Read carefully.”


The answer is in the question itself, users have to look over in order to get it correct. Some may say that it is May, some may say say that it is a completely different name. The riddle seems like it is a bit open ended, but Penny’s fifth child does have a name. Share this to your friends and see if they can get it!


Are you stuck? No worries, we have a hint for you. As stated in the riddle, you should read carefully. Look at the sentences and how they are structured. With this, you can get to the conclusion of the riddle. Are you still stumped, or have you figured it out by now?

point 0 |

Still haven’t figured it out? We’ll give you one last shot.point 168 | If you did not look at it yet, look carefully at the punctuations.point 222 |


The riddle isn’t actually asking a question, it is giving a statement.point 65 | In the last line, it says that “What is the name of the fifth child.point 125 | ” So in the end, the child’s name has already been given to users.point 190 | It was up to the users to interpret the riddle themselves.point 238 | 1


Did you get it right? If not, don’t fear. There are more riddles coming your way to engage your brain!