We’re back with another riddle to grind your gears.
Are you ready? In this riddle, we are asking, “I stay in the corner, but travel across the world. What am I?” It sounds awfully vague, but we believe that you guys will understand it if you put your mind into it!
As usual, we will be giving hints. For the first hint: It is not a person. Although they can sit in the corners of planes to travel, as some may think about, that is not the answer to this riddle specifically. It has more to do with the mailing system, think about the components of what gets mail across the country.
This riddle comes in many forms, maybe the rephrasing of the riddle will help you get to the answer. Here are some other wordings of the riddle:
I always stay in my corner, but I travel around the world. Who am I?
I sit in the corner while traveling around the world.
I can travel the world without leaving my corner, what am I?
What travels the world but stays in one spot?
You’re close, and you should tag a friend to see if they can get the answer without your help or the hints. Do you think you have it? We have the answer for you. Just keep thinking for a bit longer and we’ll reveal it.
If you thought more about the mailing system, mail travels all over the world with the use of what? You’re right! The answer is: a stamp. It stays in the corner of the letter and travels the whole world with just that stamp. People also say postage, and that answer still works with the riddle. Keep an eye out for future riddles, and congrats if you figured out the answer without the hints!