Categories: Healthlife

Breast Tumor Survivor Responded To Rude Comments By Sharing Topless Photos

untitled design 33 1.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Breast Tumor Survivor Responded To Rude Comments By Sharing Topless Photos

38-year-old breast cancer survivor Laura Owens has written an inspirational message that she shared with her friends on social media along with her topless photo after her male friends made rude comments regarding her post-surgery looks.


Laura is a strong and capable woman who aims to encourage women to stop being overly “self-critical” and start appreciating their bodies for what they are.

Laura Owens

In 2012, at the age of 31, Laura had both of her breasts removed due to cancer. While she underwent a reconstruction surgery soon after, the implants caused a severe reaction that impacted her entire chest as well as her arms.


In 2018, Laura decided to have her implants removed for good and accept her new body.

Her public outcry in which she urges women to stand up for themselves follows a rude comment of one of her friends who said: “You should have seen Laura in her heyday, 10 years ago…”

Laura Owens

While the yoga instructor felt suppressed by the thoughtless words at first, she soon took them as an opportunity to grow stronger than ever before.


“Rude. Or am I supposed to be grateful that guys used to think I was hot?! If I hadn’t been through everything I have and was still the girl I was 10 years ago, it might crush me to hear that. But it doesn’t,” Laura wrote on Facebook.

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Laura Owens

“I’m proud that, at 38, I haven’t succumbed to the pressures of Botox & fillers, even though the effects of #BII rapidly aged my skin, and this is not me having a dig if you’ve had Botox, I understand what it’s like to be so self-critical you won’t even leave the house, it’s just that after having my breasts amputated twice through illness, I’ve learned to appreciate my body exactly the way it is.point 487 | 1


“It makes me laugh that some people think my heyday was when I wore a face full of makeup, perfect hair, sexy outfits, padded bras. i.e. dressing for someone else’s approval.

“Fuck that. I’m strong and capable, I stand up for what I believe in. I walk away from people or situations that make me uncomfortable. And I wear what makes me feel happy, not sexy.


“A lot of my 20’s were spent working in the world of high-end nightclubs where image, money & status were everything, and I’m proud that I’m no longer part of that bullshit. I’m proud that I care more about what I think than what anyone else thinks.”


She added:

“I’m scared, wrinkled & flat-chested, but I’m also feminine & full of life. I’m a strong fucking woman, not a sex object. I’m not here for your benefit.


“There’s a lot more to me than my looks. And if you can’t see that, then it’s your loss. THIS is MY heyday.”

What are your thoughts on Laura’s response? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this inspirational post on Facebook!