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15 Photos Showing Why Wives Can’t Help But Love Their Husbands

There’s a thing about husbands that just make them annoying and lovable at the same time, some learn how to shop at the grocery store, some dry dishes with a fan, some mistake make-up sponges for pastries, and so on.


It’s the differences between a husband’s and a wife’s views that make their life together so much more interesting.

Below are some photos showing why husbands can be annoying but at the same time loveable.

#1. “Every morning our bed looks like this.”

Pikabu / dangerkot



#2. “This is how my husband likes to put things in the fridge.”

Imgur / emilycollins133


#3. When your husband isn’t sure whether his socks belong to the white or to the black basket:

Reddit / fashionistaVAN



#4. “Wife asked me to buy Ajax, what do I do?”

Imgur / nerdynerdnerd


#5. You’ll never feel bored with this husband.

Pikabu / kuchka70



#6. When your wife asks you to clean the toilet:

Imgur / tchoukiwalimou


#7. “Tonight my husband bit into one of my makeup sponges thinking it was a sweet, after I told him it wasn’t. But he didn’t believe me.”

Twitter / MedsTweets



#8. “My wife asked me to dry the dishes.”

Imgur / ask4jo


#9. “My husband asked how I wanted my pizza cut: triangles or squares? So I replied, ‘circles,’ and this is what I got.”

Reddit / wolfpacklove



#10. “My husband’s lost car keys have been found, exactly where he left them.”

Reddit / LaBobcat


#11. “I asked my husband to buy some hair clips for me! This is what I got! No complaints here!”




#12. “My husband picked up some birthday balloons for our son’s birthday today… He’s turning 8.”

Twitter / EricBlueMonster



#13. “I thought my husband brought something dangerous on vacation. Nope. He brought his skincare.”

Reddit / dinosinspace



#14. He just crossed the line.

Twitter / smerobin


#15. “My wife said it couldn’t be done.”

Reddit / andybird