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Caroline Flack, Former Love Island Host, Confirmed By Coroner As Suicide By Fear of National Embarrassment

ec8db8eb84ac 2 7.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Caroline Flack, Former Love Island Host, Confirmed By Coroner As Suicide By Fear of National Embarrassment

Some worth it redeemable to live out the price of their sins in whatever penitentiary means they are endowed with.


However, others who are afraid of the public retribution and the pillage of media scrutiny would somehow give up their lives just to save skin from one’s personally unbearable shame. This happened to the popular British TV presenter Caroline Flack, who committed suicide in February. The cause of her death has now been ruled out by the coroner in official ruling. She was expected to be legally prosecuted for the charges of allegedly assaulting her partner.

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She was the host of “Love Island”, a popular British TV show.point 160 | The said trial on her assault charges was already a widely publicized one.point 222 |


Her death had incited debate in the social media arena about the lines of how invasive media inquiries can reach out.point 97 | There were especially questions concerning reality TV shows, and the boundaries on how to protect them.point 185 | 1

Coroner Mary Hassell decreed that she was most influenced by how her story “played out in the national press” and that it was “incredibly difficult for her,” potentially awaiting a career demise.point 373 |


 “Although her general fluctuating (mental) state was a background and important in her death, I find the reason for her taking her life was she now knew she was being prosecuted for certainty, and she knew she would face the media, press, publicity — it would all come down upon her,” Hassell said on Poplar Coroner’s Court, in London.point 303 | 1

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The prosecutor who was on Flack’s case has been denoted by many to have been very insistent in the overall procedure of Flack’s court charges.point 236 |


She insisted that she had her reasons for playing the harsh card: her boyfriend Lewis Burton was sleeping at the time of her assault upon him, that a caution is rare for a domestic violence case, and that police said Flack showed no remorse in interview, according to media reports.point 233 | 1


As a loved host of “Love Island” since the show’s debut in 2015, she was a household name in Britain’s television audiences. Flack had told police officers when they arrived at the scene of the alleged assault in December: “I hit him (Mr Burton), he was cheating on me.”


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