All people who plan to bring pets into their households for the first time should know that they’re not getting some stuffed toy that they can cuddle and play with and then just stuff them in a closet when they’re done with them.
These are living creatures we’re talking about so they should be provided with decent nutrition, medicine, and shelter, just as one would a human being.
It’s this failure to properly account for what it takes to care for a pet that leads to all those abuse and abandonment stories. The fact that animal shelters around the world are getting filled up sadly means that this basic lesson is not getting through to enough people.
Watch this well trained cat below.
[rumble video_id=v62lyp domain_id=u7nb2]
Video credit: Rumble
In any case, it’s also important that one’s pet is house trained so that the insides of your home doesn’t turn into a war zone. Some pets take to this better than most but one particular cat went above and beyond, ditching the litter box in order to pee into the toilet!

It brings to mind that scene from Meet the Parents as Mr. Jinx the cat is so house trained that he can even flush the toilet himself.
A hairdresser was left flabbergasted after she witnessed a real-life “Mr. Jinx” at one client’s house.
Kirstie Fraser, 32, saw Butch the cat perched on the edge of the toilet seat as she was about to take a bathroom break. Kirstie was doing the cat owner’s hair at her flat in Aberdeen, Scotland when she happened upon the unusual sight.
Butch jumped up and moved around the seat before he finally found his spot and started to pee. He then jumped off after he was done.
Kirstie had filmed the whole encounter and showed it to the cat’s owner who said that it’s a regular occurrence.
Kirstie said: ‘The cat just wandered into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. The owner said it was normal and Butch does it all the time. I was really shocked and couldn’t believe it.
‘I’ve never seen anything like that before. I found it very funny and pretty bizarre. It is very intelligent. I didn’t know cats could do that.’
Butch is living a pampered life with his owner in central Aberdeen and does not venture outside. He’s certainly an extraordinary pet and his owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, is very lucky indeed.