Categories: Animals/PetsDaily top 10life

Cat Hopped On The Treadmill To Join His Owner For A Workout


If you want to see an example of relaxed but explosive power, all you need to do is look at cats.


You see them stretch, yawn and preen themselves but they’re ready to spring into action with hair-trigger reflexes. Whether it’s because they suddenly saw some potential prey moving around or because they hilariously got surprised by a cucumber placed behind them, the way that cats spring into action is impressive indeed.

Watch this cat hop on a treadmill with its owner.


[rumble video_id=v5ti8m domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

On the other hand, cats are also known for being lazy which is why there are cats who end up being like Garfield, bloated and asleep most of the day. It’s hard to reconcile such coiled power with the image of a rounded fluffy pillow that walks. Even if you try to put them on a diet, these fat cats somehow find ways to gorge on food in the laziest way possible.


And here’s one thing you need to know about cats if you didn’t already know: there’s no ordering them around. You can train or scold a dog to do (or not do) one thing but when it comes to cats, there’s simply no way of knowing what’s going through their minds and as far as cat matters go, you’re pretty much just there for the ride.


This is why the owner of the cat in the video must be smiling ear-to-ear because he doesn’t need to worry about his cat getting enough exercise because his cat apparently likes exercising. In fact, he not just likes it, he even joins his owner on the treadmill to walk off those calories!


It’s not clear if this cat was trained or discovered his love of treadmills on his own but it’s an endearing moment to see a normally independent cat share a fun activity with his owner without any apparent prompting.

Exercise is important to every living creature which is why even pets should get enough exercise as possible. Even the simple act of walking already offers a huge boost not just in burning calories but in making sure all the muscles of the body are working together so that it may operate at its optimum.


For cats, having an open area with trees is like giving them their personal theme park to play in. Of course, you need to watch out a bit for the trees in case your cat ends up climbing there only to meow piteously because it can’t climb back down!


Depending on how active your cat is, you may need to take note of all the fragile decorations and any perches that cats might consider jumping towards so as to avoid unnecessary breakages (or at least, none of the valuable ones).

