Categories: Animals/Petslife

Cat Learns How to Brush His Teeth From His Mom, and Now Has His Own Toothbrush

3 36.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Cat Learns How to Brush His Teeth From His Mom, and Now Has His Own Toothbrush

If you are trying to get your cat to brush its teeth, they might not do it if they are not willing to do it.


If they are not up for it, you can say goodbye to their oral hygiene.

But Stephanie Isidro and her cat Achilles enjoy boasting Hollywood smiles and make sure their teeth are clean.


When Achilles was one year old, he started to mirror his owner’s morning routine. He would follow Stephanie into the bathroom and sit on the bathroom counter to watch her.


One day when her sisters visited, they put all their toothbrushes in the holder. And, this provided the perfect opportunity for Achilles to have his own toothbrush. He hopped on the bathroom counter and started brushing his teeth with one of the brushed.


Stephanie revealed that when she saw him brushing, she was over the moon. Though she was shocked that he used her sister’s toothbrush, then realized how smart he was to learn that on his own.


Stephanie admits that Achilles was not always like that. When he was a couple of months old, she used to try to brush his teeth using a cat finger toothbrush. But Achilles never liked it, and Stephanie had to stop.


She thought she is creating more trauma by forcing this habit on him. Fortunately, the cat has learned that on her own, and she could not be happier.


And the daily routine is not the only one that Achilles has taken from Stephanie. She said that the cat sleeps exactly like her with tummy up and under the covers.


So it is true your pet takes up a lot of habit by seeing you and as pet owners, you should be careful what you are doing in front of them.

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