This is Briva.
Briva is a 12 years old Great Dane dog and she has lived in her house for her entire life. She has been loved in the house. The old girl looks a little tired and a little angry too now.
She is not the only one living in the house with her humans as they also have Mitzy the cat in the house.
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Mitzy, on the other hand, is a naughty baby who is new to the family. She loves going around the house all the time.
While Briva was out of the house, Mitzy decided to rest on the bed she was never able to get but wanted. Mitzy climbed on to Brava’s bed and was chilling there.
This is when Briva came back and went directly to the bed. She sniffed and realized Mitzy is on her bed. Then she waited for Mitzy to move but she decided to talk instead.
Briva had enough and she barked, Mitzy without wasting a second ran away because she was too scared of the boss lady.
Briva was tired as she had come back from her visit to the vet. She had a minor surgical procedure that happened on her limb and that made the girl tired.
She came home and all she wanted to do was rest in the bed. But finding Mitzy there instead was no threat to her so she did what she had to.
When a dog gets old they tend to become more possessive of their belongings. They do not like sharing. They even wish to get more attention from their humans.
Their bones and body become weak so they are always a little irritated because of the pain too. This is why it becomes even more important for humans to take care of their old babies.
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