Categories: FunlifeQuiz

85% Of Viewers Couldn’t Figure Out Who The Cat Belongs To! But Can You?

We’re back with another picture puzzle that will test your attentiveness and focus.


For many years, people have been taking part in viral challenges and tests to prove themselves and compete with their friends.

Thanks to the internet and the technology we have, thousands of riddles and puzzles are now at your grasp and waiting to be solved.


This time, we’re about to give you an easy job. There are three little girls in the picture above. The cat belongs to one of them and it’s up to you to identify the real owner.


If you have no idea how to get started, rest assured that there’s a clear explanation behind the correct answer. To get to it, you simply have to focus and pay attention to the tiniest details.

Source – Pexels

Have you solved the mystery yet? Now is your last chance because the answer is coming right up.


The cat belongs to the young girl in the middle. How do we know that? Take a look at her hair. The tie she used to set her ponytail is identical to the tie the cat is wearing. Clearly, the little girl gave one of her ties to her kitten so that they would look alike.


How long did it take you to figure this out? If you think that was hard, wait until you see what we’ve got in store for you.


In this next challenge, you are tasked with finding the lady’s lover. He is hiding somewhere in the picture below and is getting ready to surprise his date while she’s watering the plants.


Still can’t see it? Here’s a small hint. The woman probably knows what’s going on because her eyes are being drawn towards him.


Take another look and see if you can spot the side of the man’s head and his camo shoe.


How did you like these tests? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more brain teasers and puzzles, follow us on Facebook!