Categories: Animals/PetsFamily

Loyal Cat Refuses To Leave Elderly Woman’s Side As Her Health Deteriorated Rapidly

There is no doubt that animals remember all the good things people did for them.


Most of the times, they try their best to show their love and gratitude.

Animals will become loyal and affectionate to those who show them kindness. One feline named Trooper is one of the pets that prove this statement.

The cat was still a kitten when she was rescued and raised by an elderly woman named Sara who she became very attached to.


Sara and Trooper liked each other very much from the beginning. When she was only two weeks old, Sarah fed her from a milk bottle. They quickly became best friends.


When the woman became ill, the family saw an amazing devotion from Trooper to her favorite human. She stayed next to Sarah all the time and when the elderly woman could no longer move, the loving feline stayed in her room.


According to Sara’s daughter, Alexis, the feline had stuck around her mother. She may not have known it but Trooper would jump out only to come back with some gifts for her sick best friend. It was the most incredible and sweetest thing the family had ever seen.


Sadly, Sara passed away and everybody was left devastated, especially Trooper.

The feline kept on checking all the corners of the house looking for her best buddy. When she finally realized that Sara would never come back, she refused for many days.


Months have passed and Trooper is now doing better. It is evident that she will never forget her best friend as she still bring gifts to her room, hoping one day, Sara will be there to take them.


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